
Happy senior woman on couch

Face Lift, or Rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the mid face and neck. Almost every consultation for a facelift starts out with “I’m afraid to look over pulled or weird.” While many in the public eye have beautiful results, the ones that we notice, are the ones that look odd and create a misconception about plastic surgery. The irony with this is that most well performed plastic surgery is very natural and typically not overdone, therefore goes unnoticed.

A facelift will lift and restore the tissues of the mid and lower face, including the cheeks, the area under the lower eyelids, around the lips and mouth, chin, jawline, and neck. A face lift helps to remove excess facial skin, improving the shape of the face. It also helps to remove deep creases around the mouth and nose. A face lift does not address the area of the forehead or upper eyelids. However, a browlift or upper blepharoplasty can be done in conjunction with a face lift. A Facelift can be combined with non-surgical options to help improve the texture of the skin to ensure a flawless, younger looking you!

The goal with every facelift is to refresh, reposition sagging tissue, tighten and re-drape skin just to the point of maximum correction without pulling or distorting facial features. In most instances friends and family will be commenting how nice you look.

Every surgery is a little different because everyone’s anatomy and shape are unique. To determine what surgical procedure is best to fit your needs, a consultation with Dr. Diane Bowen is recommended.

Call to schedule a consultation to determine the right surgical plan for you 912-634-1993!

Face-lift FAQs

A face-lift is done under local anesthesia, meaning you don’t have to be put to sleep. Dr. Diane Bowen makes a small incision, about the size of a grain of rice, in the area to be treated and a cannula is used to emit the radiofrequency energy or heat. Radiofrequency waves are guided upwards through the fatty tissue using another electrode, that monitors the temperature, to ensure the treatment are does not get too hot.  As the radiofrequency waves liquify the fat, it is immediately suctioned from the treatment area via the cannula. The radiofrequency waves also stimulate the production of collagen beneath the skin, making the treated area firmer and more toned.

A facelift tightens the skin, removes excess fat and tightens underlying muscles in the lower two-thirds of the face and neck, providing a more youthful appearance. At Golden Isles Center for Plastic Surgery, Dr. Diane Bowen aims to have the end result of a facelift to look natural; its not designed to pull the skin so tight that it would alter the corners of your mouth.

The facelift does not alter the appearance of the upper third of the face, in particular the excess skin and lines around the eyes, not does it help with a sagging brow. At Golden Isles Center for Plastic Surgery, Dr. Diane Bowen would conduct a thorough consultation to review your aesthetic concerns with you and recommend the facial rejuvenation procedure, or combination of procedures, that are right for you. If you are concerned about the appearance of your eyes or brow, a browlift or eyelid surgery may be right for you.

Incisions for a facelift usually begin above the hairline at the temple and extend in a natural line just inside the cartilage at the front of the ear and continue behind the earlobe to the lower scalp inside the hairline. These are generally hidden behind the hairline or in a natural crease. Once the scars have softened and matured over a period of several months, they are generally not very noticeable. If work is being done in the neck area, a small incision made under the chin may also be used.

For the first few days after a facelift, your activities should be significantly restricted, and you should rest with your head elevated. Immediately after surgery your face will be swollen and bruised. Your features may be distorted from the swelling and your facial movements may be slightly stiff. Generally, you should plan on taking it easy for the first week after surgery. In several days your dressing will be removed and you may be allowed to wash your hair gently but must be especially careful around your incisions. It will be recommended that you avoid any type of strenuous activity for about 2-3 weeks after your surgery. Over this 2-3-week time frame the swelling and bruising will diminish. Your body will need time to heal and the amount of time varies for each person. In generally 6 weeks to 6 months is the amount of time needed for a full recovery after surgery.